Thank you for visiting Arpenteur Nightingale Ltd’s public exhibition, showcasing our vision to regenerate the Former Market Hall, The Brook, Chatham, ME4 4NZ with a mixed-use development of new homes and commercial space, alongside new public space, including landscaping, play space and areas to sit and meet.

Our proposals for the site seek to deliver around 355 new homes, alongside ground floor commercial space to reactivate this important corner of the high street, while delivering new public spaces and reopening the existing multi-storey car park for the use of existing and future residents.

This exhibition is an opportunity to explore our proposals and provide your feedback on our plans for the site.

This will help us ensure our proposals benefit the existing community as we look to provide much-needed new homes and commercial space in Chatham. You can find a copy of our feedback form at this exhibition with a freepost envelope or online via our website feedback page www.arpenteur.co.uk/formermarkethall/feedback/

Members of the project team are on hand should you have any questions.

About us

Arpenteur is a development company specialising in brownfield development. Arpenteur chooses sites that are under-utilised and/or derelict and helps bring those sites back into use in a way that makes a positive contribution to local areas. Arpenteur’s projects include a mixture of residential-led mixed-use developments, office, retail commercial and industrial developments.

Site and Planning Context

Existing aerial view of the site

About the site

Located on a prominent island corner of The Brook and High Street in Chatham, the site is currently comprised of the former Go Outdoors retail store and the Market Hall building, which is currently occupied by HomePlus Furniture. There is also a vacant multi-storey car park accessed from Cross Street, which lies outside of the proposed development area.

The site was previously occupied by Tesco for a significant number of years, and then Go Outdoors, but has remained vacant for some time. Due to low occupancy and antisocial behaviour, the car park was closed in 2022 by Medway Council.

The site sits adjacent to the Brompton Lines and New Road Chatham Conservation Areas, and is nearby to the Great Lines Heritage park. Whilst the site does not share any visibility or direct relationship with any of the Listed buildings in the vicinity, further assessments and surveys are being undertaken to assess potential impacts on heritage assets. Wherever possible effects on the significance of heritage assets will be avoided or minimised as a result of the design.

The site has been identified in the Chatham Town Centre Masterplan for redevelopment to provide both residential and commercial spaces, alongside greater pedestrian connectivity with the Great Lines Heritage Park.

Images of the existing site

Images of the existing Go Outdoors building