The landscaping proposals aim to provide a high-quality open space throughout the proposed development while establishing an enhanced public realm that creates strong connections to the High Street and local green space. The proposals will help create a new Urban Square, which will be at the heart of the development.

Opportunities for biodiversity improvements

Tree planting will be used to create space between the road and the public realm and help create visual connectivity and unity between these spaces and focal points of interest. The planting will also provide green, biodiverse corridors to link the new habitats created across the site together and to the wider area.

As part of the proposals, a new rain garden and central open space are also proposed, with opportunities to provide new wildflower planting. The proposals also include provision of green roof wildflower planting as well as bat and bird boxes, to maximise the biodiversity offering of the site.

Play space

As part of the proposals, provision will be made for new nature play area for children within the open space, to encourage imaginative play and interaction with the natural environment. These areas will be well placed within the central square of the development, surrounded by the ground floor commercial space.