We are proposing to deliver a modern, energy efficient development across the site. Our proposals would maximise sustainability, significantly improve the biodiversity offering for the site, whilst also creating a pleasant and inviting place for the local community to enjoy.


Sustainability is a key element of the development of our design for the site. Our proposals will include:

  • A firm commitment to maximising carbon reductions
  • An active travel first approach for future residents, with easy and accessible links to public transport, reducing reliance on cars
  • Renewable energy provisions (e.g. solar panels)
  • 100% electric energy – no gas
  • Air source heat pump(s) to serve the communal areas
  • Enhanced Fabric Performance to keep heat in
  • Biodiverse roof systems such as extensive green roof systems
  • Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
  • Rainwater reuse and water efficiency
  • Sustainable procurement – waste minimisation, responsible/ethical sourcing of materials


The site falls within Flood Zone 1, therefore is not at risk of tidal flooding.

Surface water run-off from rainfall from the developed site will be managed through the introduction of new Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). The SuDS will include an improvement in the quality of rainwater discharged from the development.

The proposed SuDS will ensure surface water is captured at the source and released at a lower rate than that which reflects natural systems. It will also aim to control the water at the source and reuse where possible, including in the rain garden.

SuDS features will significantly improve rainwater drainage compared with the existing situation and will account for peak rainfall with an allowance for an additional 40% buffer for stormwater runoff.

The proposals will result in a reduction in the potential from flooding locally, by controlling the discharge from the development into the local sewer network. The design will control all peak flows including a generous allowance for the effects of climate change.